Master Plant Dietas

Master plants

People of the Amazonian Rainforest use the term “Master Plants” to refer to plants with especially strong healing and spiritual qualities. During the Dieta, one drinks a Master Plant and follows a set of restrictions to connect with the plant which often results in profound healing, learning, guidance, and friendship. 

The Master Plants are safe and friendly. We provide a set of traditional instructions to follow to get the most out of your Dieta.

Preparation for the Dieta

It is recommended but not required to drink Pau D’Arco and Cat’s Claw tea for two days before starting the Dieta. We do provide these plants as a part of our Dieta Kits.

To prepare the tea:

  1. Put the contents of Pau D’Arco and Cat’s Claw bags into a pot (if you are not using our Dieta Kit then do use 3 rounded teaspoons of each of the plants).
  2. Add 6 cups of water.
  3. Bring it to a boil and reduce it to a simmer (gentle boil).
  4. Simmer it for 10 minutes, turn off the heat and let it rest for another 30 minutes.
  5. Drink a cup (hot or cold) 3 times a day for the two days before the Dieta.

It is also highly recommended:

  • avoid alcohol and street drugs
  • abstain from orgasms
  • you can maintain your regular food diet during this preparation period
Dieta DO’s and Dont’s

The Dieta is going to last for 3 days. Traditional recommendations and restrictions for the Dieta are:


  • no salt, no sugar, no spices
  • no orgasms
  • reduce (ideally eliminate) any social interactions (including social media) – you want to spend as much time as possible 1:1 with the plant


  • eat bland, flavorless food. Some common options are:
    • oats, rice (white/brown), potatoes
    • cucumbers, avocado, broccoli
  • focus on your interior, meditate
  • draw, write, sing, play musical instruments
  • do yoga
  • take walks in the nature
  • pay close attention to your dreams
Brewing plants

The evening before the Dieta starts is a good time to brew the plants. The brewing instructions differ for different Master Plants. Pick one below to see the detailed set of instructions for this particular plant. We are going to prepare 6 drinks of the Master Plant tea for the 3-day Dieta.

To prepare Ajo Sacha tea:

  1. Put the contents of the Ajo Sacha bag into a pot/jar (if you are not using our Dieta Kit then add six rounded tablespoons of Ajo Sacha root powder).
  2. Add 6½ (six and a half) cups of boiling water.
  3. Let it sit over the night.
  4. Put it into the fridge.

To prepare Ayahuma tea:

  1. Put the contents of the Ayahuma bag into a pot (if you are not using our Dieta Kit then add six rounded teaspoons of Ayahuma bark powder).
  2. Add 6½ (six and a half) cups of water and bring it to boil.
  3. Simmer/gently boil it for 10 minutes.
  4. Turn off the heat and let it sit over the night.
  5. Put it into the fridge.

To prepare Bobinsana tea:

  1. Put the contents of the Bobinsana bag into a pot (if you are not using our Dieta Kit then add six rounded teaspoons of Bobinsana bark powder).
  2. Add 6½ (six and a half) cups of water and bring it to boil.
  3. Simmer/gently boil it for 10 minutes.
  4. Turn off the heat and let it sit over the night.
  5. Put it into the fridge.

To prepare Chullachaqui Caspi tea:

  1. Put the contents of the Chullachaqui Caspi bag into a pot (if you are not using our Dieta Kit then add six flat teaspoons of Chullachaqui Caspi bark powder).
  2. Add 6½ (six and a half) cups of water and bring it to boil.
  3. Simmer/gently boil it for 10 minutes.
  4. Turn off the heat and let it sit over the night.
  5. Put it into the fridge.

To prepare Chuchuhuasi tea:

  1. Put the contents of the Chuchuhuasi bag into a pot (if you are not using our Dieta Kit then add six teaspoons of Chuchuhuasi bark powder).
  2. Add 6½ (six and a half) cups of water and bring it to boil.
  3. Simmer/gently boil it for 10 minutes.
  4. Turn off the heat and let it sit over the night.
  5. Put it into the fridge.

To prepare Remo Caspi tea:

  1. Put the contents of the Remo Caspi bag into a pot (if you are not using our Dieta Kit then add six flat teaspoons of Remo Caspi bark powder).
  2. Add 6½ (six and a half) cups of water and bring it to boil.
  3. Simmer/gently boil it for 10 minutes.
  4. Turn off the heat and let it sit over the night.
  5. Put it into the fridge.

To prepare Tamamuri tea:

  1. Put the contents of the Tamamuri bag into a pot (if you are not using our Dieta Kit then add six teaspoons of Tamamuri bark powder).
  2. Add 6½ (six and a half) cups of water and bring it to boil.
  3. Simmer/gently boil it for 10 minutes.
  4. Turn off the heat and let it sit over the night.
  5. Put it into the fridge.
Dieta Protocol

One of the common Dieta protocols is described below.

Day 1

  • At 5am drink one cup of prepared tea (you can strain it and/or heat it if you like).
  • If your schedule allows, go back to sleep. Plants often come to us in dreams with their lessons and healing.
  • At 5pm drink the second cup of the tea.

Day 2

Maintain the same Dieta protocol as on the first day:

  • 5am drink the third cup. If possible, go back to sleep.
  • 5pm drink the fourth cup.

Day 3

  • 5am drink the fifth cup. If possible, go back to sleep.
  • 5pm take the last sixths cup of the tea.

Day 4

When you wake up, it’s time to close the Dieta. Traditionally it is done by squeezing lime juice into a small amount of water, adding a pinch of salt, mixing it well, and drinking.

frequently asked questions

Q: Do I drink it cold or warm?
It’s up to you. You can drink it cold or you can warm it up.

Q: Can I stop the Dieta earlier?
It’s totally fine to break the Dieta earlier. Listen to your body. If you feel exhausted, mix some lime juice with water and salt and close the Dieta. Don’t throw away the remaining tea but keep it refrigerated (lasts for weeks). When you feel better you can drink a cup of tea before going to bed. The spirit of the plant might visit you in your dreams.

Q: I feel pleasant/unpleasant emotions/sensations in my body.
That is the plant helping you. Try to not resist but embrace the sensations/emotions.

Q: Can I do Rapéh/Hapéh during the Dieta?
Yes, Rapéh can help you with grounding and going deeper into the experience.

Q: I can’t decide which Master Plant to choose to start with.
Do a little bit of research and see which plants resonate with you the most. Bobinsana and Ajo Sacha are great options for people new to the Dietas.